In Person Learning

  • School doors open at 7:55 am

    • Students will have a temperature check, will then quickly go to his/her assigned locker.

    • There is no gym time in the morning. All students will go straight to first hour.

  • Masks must be worn at all times.

  • Backpacks are allowed in each class and will be taken to the gym for PE.

  • Locker times (all other times require teacher permission):

    • Beginning of school

    • Lunch time (for cold lunches only)

    • End of day

  • Carry your Chromebook charger to each class (teachers do not have extra chargers).

  • All supplies, including Chromebooks, chargers, and textbooks must go home in a backpack every day.

  • Pink slips will be assigned for not completing homework

  • Detentions for not completing work and/or discipline can be assigned as either lunch detentions or virtual detentions. Virtual detentions will be in the form of Google meets with the assigning teacher between 2:00-3:45 pm.

  • Refillable water bottles are encouraged (need to close).

  • Bring supplies with you to class (community supplies not allowed this year).

  • Check email frequently throughout the day.

  • Check Google Classroom frequently throughout the day.